Category LWP

LWPs: 12.5.4, 15.7, The Throughput Differences…

I have just finished a round of throughput checks for LWP performance between versions 12.5.4 and 15.7 – threaded & process kernel mode.   The comparison is a bit “unfair” since I compare 12.5.4 with statement cache disabled (it was in its diapers then), and 15.7 with the statement cache enabled + functionality group enabled […]

ASE 15.7: Prepared Statements and ASE Statement/Procedure Cache, Configuration Impact

So we are back with the same issue:   statement cache/procedure cache behavior under the stress of executing a high volume of prepared statements.   I have just finished another round of tests around this issue (which has caused quite a lot of troubles in the past releases of ASE) and I want to share and […]