Category IMDB

Transformables: From Warm Standby to Active-Active MSA with Zero Downtime…

How often in your career do you have a chance to dismantle the old architecture in its entirety and build it again – completely redesigned?  Usually, a company upgrades the hardware once in a three-four years cycle, while the “backbone” architecture outlives the hardware upgrades and lives dozens of year intact. I have been “lucky” to […]

ASE on T5-4: The Countdown…

Whew…… My new love has just been unpacked and installed into its lovely Sun (Oracle) rack……. Just love it!  This cutie will be running 64 cores with whizzing 3.6 GHz…. It will use some of these for running IMDB (when the CPU clock speed meets abundant RAM the union is heavenly – or hellish)… It […]